I am lawyer at the Nice Bar. I act in cases involving liability law, insurance law (accidents, property damages and commercial premises damages), as well as criminal law.

Victoria Leclerc, by Francois Grivelet
My intervention covers :
- Amicable proceedings: I represent my Clients' rights and interests with a view to reaching an out-of-court settlement with a liable person and/or an insurer;
- Litigation before French courts : I act before French judiciary courts, French administrative courts, but also before administrative bodies such as the French Victims Compensation Fund (“Commission d’Indemnisation des Victimes d’Infractions”) or the Criminal Offenses Service for Recovery of Damages(“Service d'Aide au Recouvrement des Victimes d'Infraction”);
- Disciplinary proceedings : I represent victims of breaches of the medical code of ethics before the French First Instance Disciplinary Chambers (CDPI), and at appeal stage before the French National Disciplinary Chamber (CDN).
I am a member of the Nice Bar Emergency Criminal Defense Group, and am therefore regularly appointed to defend :
- Individuals accused of having committed a criminal offence. I intervene at police custody stage, before investigation judges, liberties and custody judges,correctional and criminal courts, but also within the frame of guilty-plea proceedings.
- Victims of criminal offenses